
Grieving the Loss of My Grief Therapist, Too Tall Tulo

It was a difficult winter with the loss of my sweet Boudreaux Kitty at Thanksgiving, and then the loss of my Tulo on March 30, 2023. The grief is overwhelming; I lost my first horse, the horse I was bonded with, the one who taught me about grit and courage and the ability to rise to any challenge.

Taking a winter ride on Tulo

As I grieved the loss of my husband, Hal, in 2018, Tulo stepped into the role of my grief therapist. Until you’ve experienced it for yourself it’s hard to understand how these magnificent creatures can be so calm, compassionate and help you heal. Horses help those with PTSD heal. Horses help those with anxiety or depression heal. Horses help autistic and non-communicative children reach out and connect. Horses do so much more than allow you to ride them.
Now, I find myself grieving the loss of my trusted Tulo. This morning after doing barn chores and caring for Cloud I made the impromptu decision to open the back pasture and walk up the hill to Tulo’s grave at the top of my property. Yes, I had to stop and rest halfway up the hill. 🤣 Selah romped around me as I began my walk up the hill. Then, I felt his breath on the back of my neck as Cloud made his way to my right shoulder and slowly walked the hill with me. When I stopped to rest he waited patiently by my side. He stayed right at my shoulder as I slowly made my way to the top where Selah had settled in the center of the mound of dirt where Tulo lay. I stopped and Cloud, who is mourning the loss of his best buddy, continued to the mound and stood next to Selah. I know they mourn the loss of their friend, too. For weeks Cloud whinnied for Tulo calling him to come at dinner time. Cloud hollered to every trailer driving by in hopes it was his pasture mate coming home. Each morning as we headed to the barn Selah would look for her friend, Tulo. They played together and played tag.

Alone on the top of the hill, the ugly sobs of grief erupted. As I sobbed Cloud slowly walked to me and gently pushed his little painted pony nose to my cheek. He stood there with me as I sobbed. Selah sat at my feet. There is nothing as comforting as having your dog and your horse by your side at the top of your ranch and you gaze at the spectacular view with awe and gratitude at the blessed life you get to live. God has blessed me beyond my imagination. This week we are hopeful for some rain. I will plant clover over Tulo because that was his favorite thing to graze on. Cloud has become my new therapist, and Selah is my constant companion. This is my life at the DoubleGRanch and I am grateful.

Our Florida days – I miss this big goofball.